Unhappy Hour
There are tough loses. Then there’s losing the Super Bowl. So Uber decided to give fans in the losing city something to cheer about—free rides home for 60 minutes after the game.
We drafted Russell Wilson (who won one Super Bowl and famously lost another) to help spread the good word on the bittersweet stunt. The press caught the story and ran, with wide national coverage that included a segment on Good Morning America. And when the final whistle blew, tens of thousands of Rams fans took that free ride home. Always nice to see one of your Hail Mary ideas actually come to life.
The Ring
One Yard Short
Post Game
In addition to the Russell Wilson spots, the in-house team produced a series of shorts for social that show heartbroken fans transporting from the Super Bowl party to their free ride home.
Aaaaand the case study…
Russell Wilson work directed by Ben Pluimer and produced by Media Monks. The rest directed by Mike Murray and yours truly, produced in-house.